Have you been told to just follow your gut? Go with your intuition? All the time, right? That’s because it’s truly an awesome advice. BUT your intuition isn’t the only voice talking to you. Ego is our own reflection, it’s the voice that assume the worst, by judging without actually knowing because ego is largely influenced by our inner world, the world of our past experiences.
Intuition, on the other hand, is everything our ego is not. It’s not easily triggered, it is quiet of the mind, and remains in neutral. Intuition is loving, it is always there and available to guide you back to your highest self’s greatest purpose. You just need to know how to quiet the ego long enough to hear the message.
How to recognize when Ego is in charge:
Inconsistent self-talk
Fluctuating ideas, changing viewpoints often.
Easily triggered
Ego tries to boost itself up by putting someone else down
Ego is easily bruise because ego takes things personally
Ego can be vindictive and/or avoidance
Ego justified its decisions with a dirty laundry list of reasons.
Ego speaks in judgment
Ego blames others, unable to see from other perspectives
Ego lashes out in anger and often have regrets
How do you know when Intuition is guiding:
Mind remain steady, neutral
In a state of compassion
Intuition come from a place of Love
Intuition is about grace, abundance and peace
Intuition is inner knowing of Divine and no explanation needed.
Intuition understands different perspectives
Intuition speaks from a place of love
Intuition seeks balance and harmony
Intuition reflects and responds with compassion
Intuition is the voice of reason and truth
Intuition is the first instinct
Once you grow accustomed to deciphering the source of that inner voice, you’ll notice that your intuition becomes more noticeable louder and it is in this volume that you’ll find a clear-cut path to your ultimate purpose, your greatest fulfillment, and a profound sense of peace.
“Just for today, I will let go of anger.
Just for today, I will let go of worry.
Today, I will count my many blessings.
Today, I will do my work honestly.
Today, I will be kind to every living creature.” ~Master Usui